Monday, May 21, 2007

This Is The End

I'm back from Skye, and there's the potential for a post or two once I get my thoughts together and download my photos.

But until then, I'll take this opportunity to finally get round to replying to this meme from Chattie Kat over at the Kat House.

Firstly, the premise: If the blogosphere were coming to an end 24 hours from now, what would your final post be? Would you go out with a bang, or as softly as a whisper? Would you say "goodbye and good riddance" and give us the virtual finger? This is your chance to make your mark on the blogosphere. I won't tag anyone - if you do the meme, let me know in the comments to this post and I'll link to your last post.

And secondly, the post:

"Please believe me when i say
This is how it has to end
This is easy on us all
Well, easier than other ways
Sleep is all i ask of you
Sleep and not to wake again
See this through and leave my friend
Tears will come and i will end"
Murder Song, The Cooper Temple Clause

The lyrics above seem to be the most apt way to end what has been an enjoyable stint in this strange world we call the Blogosphere.

I hope that, in the nine months that I've been committing every half-baked idea, barely-coherent rant and general moan that comes into my head to the internet, that some of you weird and wonderful people have gotten something worthwhile from it.

If I've made any of you smile, or provoked a thought in someone's head, then I would consider my job done.

Thanks to those who have taken the time to become regular visitors, your continued efforts to visit this humble site have ensured that I've kept it going, even when it seemed I had nothing left to write.

And to those who first inspired me to begin Groanin' Jock, thank you - I've enjoyed all of your work, and I'm only sorry I couldn't devote more time to reading and writing blogs.

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehn, adieu.

The Blogosphere Is Dead - Long Live The Blogosphere.


  1. Anonymous2:17 pm

    Very nice post!! Thanks for playing along. I'm very glad that the blogosphere is not coming to an end, because coming here and seeing a new post always makes my day. :)

    Thanks also for the link as one of your regular visitors! :) Have a great day!

  2. Anonymous1:09 am

    .... and to my newest blogson, salute!...


  3. Ugggh...just imagining life without a bloggysphere is far too terrible, I have to purge myself of that thought immediately. Visions of nuclear wastelands and burnt out, decrepit computers...


    Say you'll never leave us.

  4. This is too infectious! I can't do it ...aaargh.... the rest is silence.
