Saturday, December 11, 2010

Six-Month Countdown

Six months today (according to the best estimates of People Who Know About These Things at the NHS), Mrs Wife and I will have our world thrown into chaos with the arrival of our first Jockling.
It's been a long time happening - we originally planned to increase the size of our family back in 2008, but thanks to wonky genes we discovered that our chances of conceiving naturally were exactly 0%.
Since then we've been through a series of tests and procedures that have variously been invasive, demoralising and depressing.
But the miracles of science have prevailed. Thanks to the wonderful people at Ninewells Hospital's Assisted Conception Unit, Jockling #1 is currently scheduled for arrival on June 11.
Medical science truly is incredible. If we'd been born 30 years earlier, we'd have had no chance of ever having a baby of our own. We might never have found out for sure that there was a problem.
Instead, we are now looking forward to welcoming a child that is half me and half Mrs Wife into the world.
Excited doesn't even begin to cover it. We're past the crucial 12 weeks period and Jockling #1 is the right size. At our 12 week scan it was jumping about like Mario on a particularly good day of coin collecting and mushroom guzzling. It was also sucking its thumb between bounces.
Mrs Wife has still to warm to my suggested name of Laudrup McCoist Hateley Durrant Gascoigne, or John Lennon if it's a boy, but I've got six months to work on that.
And have as many nights out, attend as many gigs and get as much sleep as I can.


  1. Many congratulations, Jock - my best wishes to you and Mrs Wife for the weeks ahead. If it's a boy how about Neil rather than John Lennon..?

  2. Congrats. You should also drink many beers and see what name your brain comes up with when drunk.

  3. Anonymous8:08 am

    Congrats and good luck. I hope everything goes well.
