Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's New?

Once again, I'm concerned at my recent music buying, and I'm becoming increasingly aware that I'm buying less and less new music.

The last ten albums I bought were:

The Black Keys - Attack & Release
Fleetwood Mac - Then Play On
Ultrasound - Everything Picture
The Highwaymen - The Highwayman Collection
John Mayall & The Blues Breakers - Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton
The Who - Who Are You
The Who - The Who By Numbers
Fairport Convention - Unhalfbricking
Gram Parsons - GP/Grievous Angel
Lee "Scratch" Perry - Soul Fire

Not one of them released this year. Only The Black Keys album was even released this century.

Am I losing my touch or spreading my roots further into classic blues, country, folk and reggae?


  1. Nothing wrong with that - I think that there is a lot of insipid tripe around these days. I haven't bought any CDs for ages. I'm not even sure if I bought one in 2009. I must have, but I'll be damned if I can remember.

    The only things I have on the horizon are the new Thomas Truax album when it arrives and there's supposed to be a new Iron Maiden album coming out which simply will be bought. Iron Maiden were the first band I got into which wasn't my dad's vinyl, and as such I reserve the right to always hold them in high regard irrespective of fashion or any other factors :)

    A couple of excellent choices in that list btw.

  2. I bought Who Are You - back in 1978...(give or take a year or two!) A classic album.
