Yesterday I was at what will probably be the last match I'll attend this season, Scotland's worst team facing the newly-crowned Division Three champions.
Shock of shocks, Montrose got pumped 5-0. They played well enough in the first half, but conceded the first just five minutes before half time.
The second half was a complete write-off though, and Montrose will be glad to see the back of it and this miserable season.
Steven Tweed has 13 players signed up for next season. But that doesn't exactly fill anyone with confidence. There have been brief flashes of decent play over the course of the season, but it's generally been a long hard slog.
At least Livingston, the most morally (and financially) bankrupt side in Scottish football are gone from the division. Clyde are coming down next season, and I'd expect them to be favourites to bounce straight back up.
But for Montrose, anything better than bottom will be a start....
Livingston were always going to win that league. I wonder whether Clyde will survive (in view of their financial troubles) although Neil Watt and Stuart Millar have a track record at this level. I'm surprised Montrose haven't done better considering the money they've had to spend but that's fitba'!