Monday, June 09, 2008

Groanin' Jock's Chinglish Adventures Volume II: Yellow Old Man Of May

Continuing the series that no-one's waiting for, here's my second Chinglish discovery.

This headline appeared in a magazine in which the headlines were thoughtfully translated into English, but the remainder of the text appeared in Chinese script.

Perhaps this is a way of teaching Chinese readers English; if so, I think it probably falls someway short of the mark.

Can anyone shed some light on what "Yellow Old Man of May Daughter Scissors Hand" might mean?


  1. Anonymous9:03 pm

    "Yellow Old Man of May Daughter Scissors Hand" is a poem by Ted Hughes.

  2. I almost believed you there Rab

  3. Anonymous3:02 pm

    You googled it didn't you!

  4. Anonymous8:25 am

    Good Job! :)
