Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mobile Madness

Oh the joys of predictive text messaging on my mobile phone.

Yesterday, I attempted to send the following message to a friend:

"I'm on holiday all week, so free any time"

Which my mobile thoughtfully translated to:

"I'm on holiday all week, so free boy time"

Which is a completely different message entirely, I'm sure you'll agree....


  1. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Haha.. gotta love predictive text.

    And it's so much funnier that it happened to YOU than if it had happened to me. Good one.

  2. I didn't realise that predictive text was so closely tuned in to the person using the phone...

  3. But that kind of're a free boy next week. See you outside Peep Peeps...

  4. Anonymous10:33 pm

    when I send tomahawk kid goal alerts for dumbarton's opposition, "sons" comes up as "poor"

  5. Predictive text sucks. I turned mine off after my first faux pas that I knew of. No wonder my circle of friends dwindled! :-)
