Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sending Crime Underground

Police in Manchester have apparently foiled a planned robbery after the discovery of a tunnel heading towards a cash machine in a video shop.

What a completely genius plan - dig a tunnel all the way to the machine and then empty it underground before making a sharp exit.

Is it just me, or do the police seem a bit dimwitted for announcing they'd found it - wouldn't they have been better observing it whilst the would-be thieves continued digging, thus catching them red-handed?

Or is that too much like common sense?


  1. Anonymous3:36 pm

    I have to say that's an awful lot of work for a cash machine. I mean to get out of prison, sure. I saw Shawshank Redeption, and I would like to have thought I'd do the same thing, but I'm far too lazy.

    In fact, I'm too lazy for the digging gig too. Jesus. It's easier just to get a job, and sit there all day pretending to work while you blog.

  2. I suppose it depends on how much cash is in the machine - I'm not sure how much one of them holds when it's full. They'd have to time the job very carefully - obviously they'd do it at night, and presumably as soon as possible after the machine had been refilled.

  3. Anonymous6:05 pm

    I guess they must have seen Small Time Crooks.

    A sideline in cookie baking is surely now in order

  4. How good would it have been to let them go down the tunnel and then fill in the entrance with quick setting concrete?

    Or I am being a tad extreme?
