Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cynic? Yeah, right.

I'm pretty cynical. I'm Scottish and I'm a journalist, so it's to be expected.

But I thought that I was more than 56% cynical - I'm not sure how you put a percentage on cynicism, but the strange people of the worldwide interweb managed it.

You Are 56% Cynical

Yes, you are cynical, but more than anything, you're a realist.
You see what's screwed up in the world, but you also take time to remember what's right.

As seen at Big Rab's site.


  1. I only came out with a 60%; I would have figured myself for at least a 90%.

  2. Nope...I was only 16%. It said i was naive. :o) Ha!

  3. Phew -- only 52% cynical. There's still hope for me.
