Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Buy A Babymop

Kids nowadays don't know what a hard day's work is. Our culture of computer games, lounging in front of the television and instant gratification through ever-increasing debt means that children at the dawn of the 21st century have no idea that they need to work for their keep.

So I'm all for this Japanese invention that teaches children to graft from day one. Bizarrely, I found this photograph a while back whilst searching on the worldwide interweb for "dog mop slippers". A colleague who owns a dog was complaining that her pooch's pawprints were always muddying her floor. It was then that I remembered (or thought I remembered) seeing a photograph somewhere of a dog wearing "mop slippers", which cleaned the floor as the dog wandered around the kitchen.

I never did find any reference on the worldwide interweb to mop slippers for a dog, which makes me think that I either imagined it or dreamt it. In which case, I have seriously strange dreams.

Anyway, if in the future I am blessed with a Jockling or two, I will most certainly be investing in a Babymop. If I'm going to spend 18 or more years looking after kids, they can at least look after the laminate flooring at Dungroanin'.


  1. Now that is versitile clothing.

  2. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Mither says versatile and sooo cute! I also remember seeing a photo of the dog mop slipper things but no idea where.
