Tuesday, July 10, 2007

All Around The World

I would consider myself fairly well travelled - I've seen a good bit of Europe and spent a year travelling around the world before real life got in the way.

But, having ticked a few boxes on the Travbuddy website, it seems I've not seen as much of our home planet as I had imagined.

In fact, I've only been to 10% of the countries. Which isn't all that many really.

It's maybe a bit strange that I haven't been to Wales - but, in my defence, it is full of Welsh people and is basically just a smaller, crap version of Scotland, but with even worse football teams and a horrific accent.

And Mrs Wife and I missed out on the Northern Territory when we were in Australia, because it's largely just a desert and we were a bit too strapped for cash to travel 5,000 miles to look at a lot of sand and a big rock. But we'll go back at some point.

Meanwhile, there are places on this Earth that deserve to be listed simply through virtue of being unlike anywhere else on Earth - if we're going to include the Vatican City (essentially just a luxurious bit of Rome behind big walls), we should really include Scotland's islands, each of which has its own distinctive character.

And we most certainly should include The People's Republic of Tarbert, an insane north Kintyre village inhabited by insane villagers from the north of Kintyre - when you've been to Tarbert, you never forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:37 pm


    Wales isn't crap at all, it's actually pretty good! But you know the stories of the Welsh folk speaking in English and then reverting to Welsh when a tourist is around? 100% true.
