Thursday, November 02, 2006

Christmas is coming

As a kid, I loved Christmas. Everything about it - the tree, the decorations, the holiday, the food and, of course, the presents.

As I've grown up, I've realised that you need to start saving VERY early if you're going to avoid seriously damaging your credit card and found the days running up to Christmas aren't a holiday, but hectic days at work on the coldest, darkest days of the year.

But Christmas day itself is still a good day to relax, eat too much and watch loads of television.

What really annoys me about Christmas nowadays though is that it seems to start in August.

Mrs Wife and I were in Glasgow at the weekend, and every shop was going into Christmas advertising meltdown, with selection boxes in Woolworths sitting beside the Hallowe'en sweets and the bookshops recommending festive stocking fillers for your mum, dad, aunties, brothers and neighbours' dog.

I am proposing that governments across the world unite and instigate a blanket ban on Christmas at any point prior to December 1st. No mention of 'the C word' is to be made until this date. How can you even begin to discuss Christmas when Hallowe'en, Guy Fawkes Day and St Andrew's Day are all still to come?

Aside from the crass and opportunistic retailers hoping to snatch your money, surely no-one would object to delaying Christmas until December? Kids can fill their days quite happily without having Christmas to think about four months in advance.

In fact, kids will whip themselves into a frenzy in the DAYS leading up to Christmas, they don't need additional weeks of making their parents' lives a misery, demanding the latest toys and video games.

I realise that by writing this very post, I am contravening my own law. So, as of THIS VERY SECOND, I don't want to hear anything about Christmas until December 1st at the very earliest.

Bah, Humbug.


  1. I would say something about _____ but it is not Dec 1st so I am not saying anything about the _______ decorations that I see out already.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Anonymous5:05 pm

    I am in total agrement with you. Businesses just want to try to get more of the people's money by extending holiday shopping periods. It chaps my goat! I say we shouold only have holidays that make sense, such as Thanksgiving Day ( I love to eat), New Years, St PAtrick's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Sorry, I meant more for US than you other countries....

  3. With you all the way... with you know what.

    I like to leave it all until two days before and manage to get what I need what's all the fuss about?

    The wife has it all finished as of last week... God help us! Some folk.
