The combination of last night's wedding and Scotland beating France 1-0 gave me an excuse last night to over-indulge on alcoholic refreshments.
Regular readers (both of you) will remember that I don't get hangovers. However, today I am feeling a little tender.
Free white wine during the meal, combined with strong French lager (oh, how ironic that I should celebrate one of French football's most embarrasing defeats with Kronenbourg) and vodka, has left my head pounding.
But it was worth it.
We beat probably the best international football side in the world.
We are top of a group containing the world champions, the World Cup runners-up and quarter finalists from the same tournament.
It's great to be Scottish today, even with a sore head.
good for you Jock, and mighty impressive of the/you Scots... Denmark on the other hand didn't manage to beat Northern Ireland Nil.... so I'm not the least hungover.