Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mute Tourette's Syndrome

I'm going to be taking part in a charity bike ride from Oban to Fort William on the 25th November to raise funds for Mute Tourette's Syndrome. A friend of mine has a six-year-old son who suffers from this and we are raising funds to pay for a year's therapy.

Mute Tourette's Syndrome has long been in the shadow of its more 'famous' sister disease, 'Tourette's Syndrome', and although much rarer, is even more tragic in its consequences.

While a child suffering from Tourette's has difficulty in containing its anger and frustration, a child with Mute Tourette's suffers a worse fate, and is unable to express their true feelings. The Mute Tourette's Foundation is using radical new art therapy techniques to help combat the frustration and loneliness of Mute Tourette's.

However, their work can only continue with your help. Just a pound will keep a child supplied with crayons and paper for a whole day. Eight pounds will provide them with enough art supplies for a week. I would be extremely grateful to anyone who feels able to help such a deserving cause. This picture demonstrates how the donations received so far have been put to good use. Many Thanks in advance to anyone who can help by sponsoring me.


  1. I knew a guy who had Mute Tourette's Syndrome. No, really.

    He managed to keep the condition under control for years, but, tragically, suffered a major attack at his university graduation exercises. This would have been no problem in most places; alas, he was enrolled at the Colorado School of Mimes...

  2. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Put me down for a fiver
