Friday, September 15, 2006

All work and no play

As the sun is scorching today despite the fact that we are now midway into the Argyll autumn, you would be forgiven for thinking that I would be in a pleasant mood ahead of this weekend.

I am not. I have to work this weekend. My weekend, which could yet turn out to be the last glimpse of sunshine between now and next year, will be spent indoors. At a Mod.

For the uninitiated, a Mod is a festival of Gaelic music and song. I don't speak Gaelic. The music and songs always sound very sombre. I dislike the pageantary that is associated with the Mods, the matching tartan uniforms and arcane traditions.

And so, this weekend is not looked upon favourably by the Groanin' Jock. Where I would normally be working out how to maximise my time in the sun (lying in the garden reading the newspaper with a cold beer and some crisps would normally top the list), I am now to be subjected to almost eight hours of maudlin Gaelic whining.

How I miss the carefree days of my student years, when whole hours, nay WEEKS, were spent doing next to nothing, all in the name of getting an education. I may have been broke and forced to attend lectures at 9am, as well as working crappy jobs to finance the debauchery, but at least no-one made me listen to Gaelic music.

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